7:00 PM19:00

William Henry Fouse

Learn how educator and activist William Fouse broke barriers and left Westerville with a powerful legacy for Black history and American history. He became the first Black graduate of Westerville High School and Otterbein University, and he spent his life fighting for equal educational opportunities for Black students, but he didn't do it alone. The stories of Fouse and his support network give us insight into the legacies of racism and slavery, the leadership and creativity of local Black activists, and their lives' continuing relevance for today.

This presentation will be given by Museum Specialist Kathryn Kaslow and is based on the Westerville History Museum's exhibit "The World of William Fouse." The exhibit will be open for browsing 30 minutes before the start of the program.

One special notice about this program - it will be starting earlier than past programs have. The History Museum exhibit about William Henry Fouse will be open at 6:30 for attendees to visit. The program and meeting will start at 7:00pm. The museum will not be open after the program. Future programs will all start at 7:00pm. No registration is required for this event and it is open to the public.

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Hanby House Christmas Open House
10:00 AM10:00

Hanby House Christmas Open House

Join us as we celebrate the holidays in an historic home decorated for the occasion, with music in the parlor and sweet treats in the adjacent Shoemaker Cottage. The home of Ben Hanby, composer of “Up on the Housetop” will be open to the public on Tuesday, December 3rd and Thursday, December 5th from 7:00-9:00pm and on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Get in the holiday spirit with a visit to Hanby House. No admittance fee – donations encouraged. 

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Hanby House Christmas Open House
7:00 PM19:00

Hanby House Christmas Open House

Join us as we celebrate the holidays in an historic home decorated for the occasion, with music in the parlor and sweet treats in the adjacent Shoemaker Cottage. The home of Ben Hanby, composer of “Up on the Housetop” will be open to the public on Tuesday, December 3rd and Thursday, December 5th from 7:00-9:00pm and on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Get in the holiday spirit with a visit to Hanby House. No admittance fee – donations encouraged. 

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Hanby House Christmas Open House
7:00 PM19:00

Hanby House Christmas Open House

Join us as we celebrate the holidays in an historic home decorated for the occasion, with music in the parlor and sweet treats in the adjacent Shoemaker Cottage. The home of Ben Hanby, composer of “Up on the Housetop” will be open to the public on Tuesday, December 3rd and Thursday, December 5th from 7:00-9:00pm and on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Get in the holiday spirit with a visit to Hanby House. No admittance fee – donations encouraged. 

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1:00 PM13:00

Hanby Family Historic Walking Tour of Uptown Westerville

Hanby House is providing two walking tours to visit sites in the Uptown area with connections to the Hanby family. You can participate in these special walking tours by meeting the tour guide at Hanby House. The first tour begins at 1:30pm and the second at 2:30pm. The house will be open for visitors from 1:00 to 4:00pm.

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7:30 PM19:30

The Iconic Historic Restaurants in Uptown Westerville

  • Westerville Community Center Meeting Rooms (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This program of the Westerville Historical Society will focus on the iconic restaurants past and present of Uptown Westerville. John Bokros will be presenting interesting information and photos of these businesses. There will be time to share your personal memories and artifacts of these restaurants.

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1:00 PM13:00

The Woman Who Saved Hanby House

Come to the Hanby House to hear the story of Dacia Custer Shoemaker. Dacia's father grew up in the household of General George Custer and also fought in the Civil War. Dacia saved the Hanby House from being torn down and was the first curator of the property. Learn about this impressive woman and her family. The programs and tours of the house are open to the public and free of charge.

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1:00 PM13:00

Garden Party at Hanby House

Join us at Hanby House 160 W. Main St. on Saturday, June 8th from 1-4 for an opportunity to tour the house, ask garden experts your gardening questions, pick up a packet of seeds from the Westerville Public Library seed library and get a start of Lily of the Valley from the Hanby garden for your home. (As supplies last). Shoemaker Cottage will be hosting a display of floral paintings by artist Gayle McKay. This event is free and open to the public. Thanks to the Westerville Garden Club, Mary May, the Westerville Public Library and Gayle McKay.

Artwork by Gayle McKay

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The Wright Brothers/Hanby Family Connection
1:00 PM13:00

The Wright Brothers/Hanby Family Connection

Did you know that the Wright family (Wilbur and Orville) and the Hanby family are connected through marriage? Orville Wright visited the Hanby House and received an honorary degree from Otterbein shortly before his death. He left two pieces of the Wright Brothers Flight History at the Hanby House to commemorate the connections. Come to the Hanby House Saturday between 1pm and 4pm to hear about the family connection and view these pieces of history.

(The Hanby House is located at 160 W. Main St, Westerville.)

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7:30 PM19:30

Automotive History from 1900-1920

The Westerville Historical Society is presenting the program Automotive History from 1900-1920 on Friday, May 17th at 7:30 in the Westerville Public Library meeting rooms. This program is free and open to the public. The doors of the library off of the parking lot will open at 7:00pm.

From a rich man's toy to every man's necessity, discover the history of the early auto industry with Rick Lindner. Explore the impact of the auto on daily life in America, from manufacturing and the fuel industry to the needs of the driving public and the changes in road conditions.

Lindner is an automotive historian, lifelong history enthusiast, and owner of 15 restored Ford autos.

“Black and white photograph of Mrs. Everal using a crank to start a 1910 automobile with Mr. Everal behind the steering wheel.", from the Westerville Public Library photo archives

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7:30 PM19:30

The Buffalo Soldiers

Historian Gregory Edmonds will present a program on The Buffalo Soldiers Friday, March 22 at 7:30 in the meeting rooms of the Westerville Public Library. Learn about the importance and  significance of these men who were members of segregated cavalry and infantry regiments that the U.S. Army formed in 1866 on the western frontier. This program is free and open to the public. Doors off the parking lot of the library open at 7:00pm.

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6:30 PM18:30

The Impact of Congresswoman Cardiss Collins: Author Visit with Frank E. Dobson, Jr.

Frank E. Dobson, Jr. Ph.D, Chief Diversity Officer of Otterbein University, will be sharing the story of Cardiss Collins, the fourth Black woman to serve in the U.S. Congress and the first Black woman from the Midwest to do so. Dr. Dobson and his daughter Jasmin wrote a children’s book about this important woman who served in Congress for 24 years. The book can be purchased and signed at the event.

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7:30 PM19:30

The Plaques and Beyond: Uptown Westerville Buildings

Westerville went from a dingy, muddy village of simple one and two-story frame buildings in the mid 1800’s to the thriving, 21st century community of today. The beautiful Uptown streets lined with substantial Italianate brick buildings, home to restaurants and shops, reflect the success of Westerville. The can-do spirit of Westerville residents brought about all the successes of our Uptown with its lovely buildings and its standing as the heart of our town.

There is so much history between the birth of that mundane small village to the desirable award-winning community of today. That history has been honored and communicated through our robust plaque program. The second round of plaques sponsored by the legacy of Terry Hayman through the Columbus Foundation are up and garnering attention not only from our community but also from other towns that want to replicate our program.

The Westerville Historical Society wants to honor our Uptown and the successful plaque program with a presentation about the history of the buildings which anchor the Uptown by former Mayor Kathy Cocuzzi. Her presentation will share information about the people, the businesses which have shaped the Uptown and will also include information on some dramatic events that happened there. Current Westerville City Council member Dennis Blair, who has been instrumental in the plaque project, will share information about the history and impact of our plaques. Join us at the Westerville Public Library on Friday, January 26 at 7:30 for this program. The public is welcome to this free event.

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2:00 PM14:00

Annual Meeting & Program - Edwin L. “Dubbs” Roush: Always a Leader

Join us on Sunday, November 12, 2pm in McVay Hall at Church of the Messiah for our annual meeting and program. Edwin L. “Dubbs” Roush: Always a Leader is the subject of this year’s presentation given by Dan Roush, his son.

The program and dessert buffet are open to the public.

Reservations are required. The cost is $6. for members and $8 for non-members. To register you can mail a check with a note indicating the number of members and number of non-members attending to WHS, P.O. Box 1063, Westerville, OH 43086

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1:00 PM13:00

Suffragette Isabella Coit Kelton

National Women's Equality Day will be celebrated at Hanby House, 160 W. Main St., Westerville, OH. Leslie Blankenship will be presenting a first-person program at 1:30, 2:30, and 3:15 on Isabella Coit Kelton, an important Central Ohio suffragette who was a founding member of the Franklin County League of Women Voters. Hanby House will be open for tours and William Hanby’s championship of higher education for women will be highlighted. The Franklin County League of Women Voters will be registering voters. No reservations are required and the event is free. Donations appreciated. 

Isabella Coit Kelton - Photo courtesy of the Ohio History Center archives

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1:00 PM13:00

Authors Day at Hanby House

Join three authors in our garden to hear about their books and how they create them. Frank Dobson, interim Diversity Officer at Otterbein has written a book with his daughter Jasmin about Cardiss Collins, the 4th Black Congresswoman; Phillip Martin, international art educator, illustrator, author, and creator of 62 community murals in 26 countries, will be sharing his latest book on a Liberian folk tale among others; Karen Meyer has authored 8 historical novels for middle grade readers and will be sharing her latest about the Underground Railroad in Ohio. Hanby House will be open for tours. Free and open to the public.

Author Bios:

Frank E. Dobson, Jr., Ph.D. has published two novels, Rendered Invisible: Stories of Blacks & Whites, Love & Death (2010, Plain View Press) and The Race is Not Given (1999, SterlingHouse).  Frank has also published poetry, personal essays, short fiction, and scholarly work.   Most recently, Frank has co-authored with his daughter, Jasmin Dobson, a book for young readers, Cardiss Collins: A Congresswoman with Courage. That book, on the 4th Black woman to serve in Congress will be in print later this year.  Frank works at Otterbein University, as Interim Chief Diversity Officer, where he loves teaching and working with students. 

Phillip Martin has always had a traveling bug. He traveled around some of the world before and during his time in the Peace Corps. Once he experienced life overseas in Liberia for an extended period, twenty years, he moved on to Morocco, the Philippines, Zambia, and Belgium where he taught art at international schools. In Africa he was introduced to the concept of community murals. Martin has painted 62 murals in 26 countries including in U.S. Embassies. During the pandemic trapped at home with his computer and art supplies, he began writing and illustrating children’s books. Some of the stories are folk tales that he has gathered along his journey. His most recent book is a Liberian folk tale that he collected as a Peace Corps volunteer. For more information, go to phillipmartin.com

Karen Meyer has authored eight historical novels for middle grade readers. She weaves real pioneers and events from Ohio's past into a mystery or adventure. Her passion for history began in her school days with field trips to Ohio’s historical sites. For nine years as an Air Force wife, she lived in places as far away as Labrador. Seeing new lands gave her a window on regional and national differences and confirmed an appreciation for her own Ohio roots. Karen visits classrooms and retirement centers in costume as Grandma Sarah, one of the characters in her first two novels. Ohio’s rich Underground Railroad history comes to life in her latest novel, Secrets in the Sky Nest. Visit her website - ohiofrontierhistorylady.com

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